Music License for Clubs and Discotheques T004 - Acum
  • Clubs

    License to play music in clubs and discotheques for musical events with or without entrance fees that take place in the club

    2024 License fees for public performance of protected works in clubs

    The license for the public performance of protected works for a club will be in accordance with the usual ACUM tariff for stage shows, which also includes DJ performances and this for each evening of activity separately.

    The license fee for each evening of activity at the club will be calculated as a license fee for one show, even if there are several shows/DJs during the evening, taking into account the parameters applied to the show tariff, such as – the number of participants in the evening, the percentage of protected material, the holding of the event with an open box office and/or a closed show, local/foreign artist.

    To arrange a license for an evening of activity, the required details must be reported in the show reporting system through the ACUM online system for reporting shows – link to login to the show reporting system

    For example: the license fee for an evening of activity with a local artist/dj, with the participation of 500 people, with the duration of the use of protected works being over 50% of the duration of the event as a whole – NIS 1,712 + VAT.

    For the show tariffs click here

    The rate does not apply to a family event (wedding, bar mitzvah, etc.) or a business event with background music held in the club.

    ACUM tariff – general conditions

    1. The stated tariffs are published by ACUM Ltd., the Association of Authors, Composers, and Publishers of Music in Israel (hereinafter: “ACUM”). Tariffs are established at ACUM’s discretion and exclusive responsibility.
    2. The rates displayed on the website do not constitute a license to use the works of ACUM’s repertoire. Before using works from the ACUM repertoire, the user must contact ACUM and arrange a written usage license in advance.
    3. The actual license fee for each user will be determined based on the relevant data and parameters pertaining to each client. Anyone wishing to license the use of ACUM’s repertoire must transfer all information and data required to enable ACUM to determine the applicable and correct tariff rate for each specific user.
    4. ACUM reserves the right to make changes in tariffs periodically.
    5. In case of discrepancies between any terms of the published tariffs and terms on the license – agreed upon and signed by the licensee -, the content of the license shall take precedence.
    6. The stated tariffs do not include Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT will be added to any payment according to the legal rate. A tax invoice will be issued, as required by law.
    7. All the above are subject to terms applicable to ACUM according to the determinations of the Antitrust Tribunal.